Bowl Brite

Maintenance Smartâ„¢ Cleaning Products


Product Description for Bowl Brite Toilet Cleaner

A thick low acid germicidal bathroom/bowl brite toilet cleaner formulated to remove lime and hard water deposits, soap scum, rust, gray and yellow stains from toilet bowls, urinals, and other acid resistant surfaces. Its thick clinging formula allows extended contact time on vertical surfaces.

Efficacy tests have demonstrated that this bowl cleaner ia an effective bactericide, in the presence of organic soil (5% blood serum). Contains no phosphates.


It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.

This product is designed to clean, disinfect and deodorize toilet bowls and urinals. When used as directed, this formulation exhibits effective disinfection against Salmonella choleraesuis, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in addition to preventing odors caused by microorganisms.

DISINFECTION: For gross filth or heavy soil, a pre-cleaning step is required for disinfecting.

1. To disinfect toilet bowls, flush toilet and add 4 ounces of bowl cleaner directly to the bowl water. Swab bowl completely using a scrub brush or toilet mop, making sure to get under the rim. Let stand 10 minutes and flush.

2. To disinfect urinals, add 2 ounces of bowl cleaner to 48 ounces (1-1/2 quarts) of water. Flush urinal and apply solution with brush or toilet mop to urinal surfaces, making sure to scrub completely. Let stand for 10 minutes and flush.

3. For badly stained toilet bowls, flush toilet and use toilet mop to push water from the bowl over the trap. Press swab mop against bowl to remove excess water then saturate mop with 2 ounces of bowl cleaner while holding bottle and applicator over bowl. Swab bowl completely making sure to get under the rim. Let stand for 10 minutes then flush. Rinse applicator completely.

Efficacy tests have demonstrated that this bowl cleaner is an effective bactericide, in the presence of organic soil (5% blood serum). Contains no phosphates.